Does winter pose more risk?

Does your company work with electrical power tools outside? Early mornings and evenings have poor visibility making it hard to visually check equipment before use.

It may be necessary for your company to use portable lighting during the winter. Have your lights and extension cords been checked lately?

Using electrical equipment in wet winter conditions? Get it checked now before the wet conditions expose faults you cant see!

Wrap up warm, and keep safe.


Happy NY

PAT NZ wishes customers a happy and prosperous New Year.

2012 was a great year for us and we can see 2013 bringing on huge changes to the health and safety attitude across all NZ businesses. Current customers feel they are well ahead of the game and ready for any change, but we still come into contact with many business that don’t have a clue, let us make it easy for you.

Processes that are easy to understand, documentation that is backed by our legal team and a quality testing regime that is not expensive. PAT NZ gives your company a great positive image in the business community and the community at large.

Workplace Conformity

Even with all the publicity H & S is getting in the media, some Kiwi workplaces still show little regard to workplace health and safety.
Often conformity is treated as an unmentionable evil and ignored. If workplaces cannot show the ability to manage this themselves, our previously relaxed government bodies may impose unreasonably difficult criteria for conformity.

Trade Breakfast

One of the local wholesale outlets organised a Trade Breakfast this week in order to get all their contractors together. It had been noted that some contractors were not conforming to the required standard and this breakfast was an excellent opportunity to get them all on the same page. Because of the number of items tested all the boys were able to take advantage of our reduced rate and some were paying 75% less than they might have if they called us out.

Testing doesn’t have to be a huge cost and when seen as part of looking after your essential equipment its money well spent. There is little downtime (as opposed to dropping gear off to be tested) and you can be sure you won’t be turned away from that big job site.

Get your mates together to take advantage of our reduced rates and keep your valuable tools performing at their best.

Call us today for more info and to arrange a testing session now!

Ensure the safety of your business, employees and customers.
Perform regular checks on all plug-in electrical devices to conform to New Zealand legal requirements.

Our trained technicians make the testing of your portable electrical appliances a convenient and economical task, tailored to your requirements.

Implement Pat Test NZ’s services as a part of your health and safety policy and your employee training procedure safeguarding your business, and ensuring the safety of your staff and your customers.

Based in Tauranga Pat Test NZ service the Bay of Plenty and surrounding regions.

Call us today to arrange testing tailored to you requirements.